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Explore the future direction of development of the three major Chinese sensor market

Uptime: 2014-08-30 10:04:05  Click: 4077

  As modern electronic equipment is widely used for a class of electronic components, sensors for more than 15 years of growth, is expected to 5 years after production value will reach 120 billion yuan. 2013, the world of equipment and systems related businesses want to establish an annual one trillion sensors using social Trillion Sensors Universe. Chinese sensor market has been growing in recent years, the growth rate of over 15%.

  China's industrial modernization process and the electronic information industry continuously high growth rate of more than 20%, led to the rapid increase in the sensor market. In recent years, the sensors used in medical, environmental protection, meteorology and other special electronic equipment in the rapid growth, the use of sensors accounted for about 15% of the market share. These industries of high demand sensor, the sensor for the local industry provides a good opportunity for development.

  The next five years, domestic sensor market will reach 31% average sales growth primarily driven by domestic demand sensor size rapid growth from industrial electronics and automotive electronics, communications, electronics, consumer electronics, and special electronic equipment. Industrial electronics and automotive electronics is the electronic information industry, the fastest growing industry, but also the largest areas of sensor applications, such as measurement of a variety of process variables, electrical characteristics and physical, as well as traditional sports / positioning.

  Despite the high market demand for our sensor, developed rapidly, but there are low skill level, the type of the lack of R & D capability and poor. China currently has 1,688 enterprises engaged in the development, production and application of the sensor, but in MEMS development and production of more than 50, and have a smaller size and application. They did not form a sufficient scale applications, resulting in low of sensor technology, but kept the problem of high prices in the international market will lose the advantage, but also makes the market more competitive. As modern electronic equipment is widely used for a class of electronic components, sensors for more than 15 years of growth, is expected to 5 years after production value will reach 120 billion yuan.


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